Our prices for alterations and tailoring are competitive. We first need to see the project in question.
- Payment is due at drop-off. Forgetting (either unintentionally or on purpose) to pick up your FINISHED projects shouldn’t result in us not being compensated for our work. Paying for your alterations upfront will let you leave your finished projects here for a reasonable amount of time (because we don’t keep them indefinitely)–with the ADDED BONUS that we’ll have received payment for a great job finished on time.
- A consultation/fitting IS required for pricing of bridal, formal, and costume wear, no exceptions. Please don’t send us photos with long descriptions and ask for estimates as we won’t be able to give you a just price: Bridal and formal attire have unique fabrications and embellishments that vary with each garment.
- Typical turnaround is whenever our clients need us to finish something by. Sometimes having a week or more is necessary, but if you need something by a certain date, we’ll be happy to accommodate your timeline. (The best part? We don’t charge rush fees.)
- Alter Creations guarantees satisfaction. If a quicker turnaround is needed, we WILL make every effort to accommodate you. Don’t use those (in)famous review sites to complain about something you could’ve asked about–and that we’d have done for you–because we WILL call you out on it.
- Cards we accept are Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. Don’t include in your review how disappointed you were that we didn’t give you a discount after you gave us your Amex. (True story.) We don’t accept Amex.