Please click on the > sign by each question below to immediately open its answer. If we work on your project it means you accept our policies, including those outlined in these answers.
Can you tell me how much it costs to alter __?
Not without seeing it first. We abstain from giving you an estimate not because we’re mean, but because we want to be fair to you. This means we need to see the project in person (whether that’s you in your outfit or someone else in theirs) in order for us to know the extent of the work we’ll have to conduct.
Once we see the project, we’ll be better able to do just that. But if we don’t see it, we may need to change (perhaps significantly) the estimate we gave you once we do get a better look. That wouldn’t be fair to you, so we don’t give estimates without seeing the project. (Pictures don’t count.)
Simply stop by and bring the project. We’d love to meet you!
Do I need an appointment?
No. Just call us in advance to let me know you’ll be showing up and we’ll gladly assist you! (PS- We don’t charge “fitting fees” so you’re free to stop by at your convenience!)
Are you a bride? Then we recommend you call us to set up a time so that we can reserve a special block just for you. If you’re not a bride, no worries.
Could my alterations ever cost more than what I paid for the original item?
The short answer: It depends on what you paid for it.
The long answer: At Alter Creations, we value your budget and want to be fair to your finances. Discriminating based on income (or the cost of your original item) is illegal and unethical, and is something we don’t practice. We won’t ever set different prices for different customers based merely on the cost of their original item.
The only factor that determines what we charge for a certain project is the level of effort involved. So yes, sometimes altering something will be costlier than the price paid for that item, regardless of whether you got it for sale at a designer’s store, a consignment store, TJ Maxx, for free, and so on.
We don’t care where you bought it or how you got it; that’s NOT how we determine how much to charge you. The amount of work we’ll have to do is the only factor we consider when giving you an estimate.
How long do you save finished projects for?
We’re in the business of tailoring, designing, and perfecting–not personal storage.
However, we know that life sometimes gets in the way and that you may therefore forget to pick up your finished pieces. Although that is OK, please note that (unless we arranged otherwise beforehand), we’ll only keep your item(s) for UP TO SIX (6) months after the date we arranged.
Since we label all our projects clearly, we’ll make sure to contact you before those six months are up so you may pick them up. But if we still haven’t been able to reach you OR you neglect to pick them after six months, they’ll go to charity. Please don’t expect us to keep them for longer than that.
NOTE: If you know in advance that you need us to store something FOR TWO WEEKS OR MORE, we’ll ask you to pay for your project(s) in advance, when you drop it/them off.
Do you iron clothes after you finish working on them?
No: We’re neither your dry cleaner nor your personal assistant.
I’m having my clothes made elsewhere. Could you take my measurements?
No: Although we’re a full-service alterations shop, the reason why we don’t take your measurements (unless we’re altering or making something from scratch FOR YOU) is simply because we don’t want to be held liable in case they don’t match what another tailor/designer needs.
However, we DO have great resources to help you take your own measurements. It’s really not that difficult! And the best part is that you can do it either by yourself or with a buddy. So get ready and visit our super helpful “Taking Your Own Measurements” page.
How much do you charge to make __?
To reiterate: Without seeing the outfit on you (or the person getting their outfit altered), we are NOT able to properly determine how much we should charge for working on that outfit.
So come on by and also try to wear the actual shoes (or ones of similar height)** that you will be wearing with the altered item of clothing. **Dear brides: Take special note of this!
Why do people leave you weird reviews?
We have NO idea! They’re so unexpected, that they even catch us by surprise. The oddest ones are those that were left by NON-customers. Who knows, maybe they’re competitors, simply got confused, or are mad we didn’t capitulate to their silly demands and terrible attitude? “Haters gonna hate.”
(Between you and us, their “reviews” actually bring us more business. We’re that well-known and loved in our community!)
Check out our favorite false/inaccurate reviews here. They’re quite entertaining!
Do you charge extra for same-day service?
Nope. At Alter Creations, we know everyone should get same-day alterations when they’re absolutely necessary, which is why we’re the only shop to have a “Same-Day, No Rush” policy.***
Some tailors and seamstresses’ “Rush Fees” make same-day alterations accessible to only a few, but we recognize this isn’t a privilege only some deserve–it’s EVERY customer’s right!
***Just make sure to drop off your item in the morning and pick it up BEFORE the shop closes that day.
Are you really not able to tell me how much it costs to alter __?
The following (inaccurate) customer review that was posted on the web relates to this issue. We’d love to share it with you as it illustrates the importance of post-fitting price quotes.
I had my wedding gown altered with Martha a few months ago. She does a good job but is very expensive. I recommend before you leave her shop you ask for a quote. When you make your appointment ask if there is a fitting charge to get the estimate.
Our response:
…. Alter Creations doesn’t charge fitting fees, so if all you’d like is a quote, then please don’t be shy to ask for it PREFERABLY during your fitting. (I do need to know what I’m working with to be able to tell you what it’ll cost.)
That said, I’ll always be more than glad to provide you with an estimate, but if you want one without me seeing the piece on you, I’ll do my best to “guesstimate” based on past customers’ jobs (this means the quote won’t be “tailored” to your needs). I don’t hold your clothes hostage, so I’ll more than understand if you decide to take them elsewhere after we’re done with the fitting and feel uncomfortable w/the quote :).
Please let us see the item you’d like altered or tailored on you so that we can give you the accurate estimate you deserve. Remember: We need to see what we’re working with to be able to tell you what it’ll cost. We want to serve you the best we can!
Feel free to contact us if you still have questions, and thanks for visiting!